The olive wood, farmed form the trees of Olea europaea, is a hard and rich in color wood that is prized all around the world for its appearance, density, straight grain and fine texture. Originally found around the eastern coast of Mediterranean, Olive trees managed to spread outside of Europe, thanks not on the need for wood exploitation, but for the growth of its delicious olive fruit that demands very little upkeep and attention during seasonal growth. The most recent reports claim that olive tree is currently being commercially farmed for its fruit in over 20 countries, with 60% of all trees being located on the territory of European Union (with five leading countries being Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Syria). Olive lumber is very strong, but it has a high sensitivity to outside elements and insect attacks. Because of this, it can most commonly be found only in indoor furniture and smaller wooden objects. Visually, olive wood is famous all around the world for its consistent texture, grain and a very distinct and fruity scent when being worked.
Olive Wood – Characteristics, Uses and Benefits

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